Really Reliable Recall
Call your dog to come reliably, even in tricky situations!
Does your dog come when called, only when she wants to? Does she have trouble coming away from distractions such as other dogs or something on the ground?
This class will give you the skills you need to work on getting a truly reliable recall, even in tricky situations!
Learn games to play that will increase your dog's motivation and drive to turn on a dime and race to you when you call her name. This class is for dogs who have completed Puppy II or Beginning class.
Your Instructor
With DBF since: 1998
Areas of expertise: Aggression and Anxiety issues
Education: B.S. in Psychology and Zoology, apprenticed with Patricia McConnell, Ph.D.
Certifications: CPDT
In her words: "I am really fascinated by body language and visual signals as a communication tool for emotions and states of being. Dogs are wonderful at expressing their emotions and intentions through body language so this fit my personal interest! I also really, really like working with people and helping them understand their dog so the conversations between the two species are more clear to both.”